To report any safeguarding concerns about a child please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Burr via main reception during school hours.
Our vibrant and exciting music department is a busy place with lots of students working on their musical skills and making music together.
We teach a broad and engaging curriculum that teaches students the skills they need to succeed in music as well as a wealth of transferable skills that can be applied to all career paths and life experiences.
We pride ourselves on developing students’ skills and fundamental knowledge through a spiral curriculum that allows KS3 students to develop from year to year.
Students should expect to experience the keyboard, ukulele, djembe drums and singing throughout KS3.
We offer a range of clubs and opportunities for students:
The music department is always open to students who wish to practice at break and lunch times throughout the week.
Please speak to Mr Cooper if you are interested in joining any of these clubs.
We have an experienced and engaging team of peripatetic instrumental teachers who visit the school throughout the week to deliver group and 1-2-1 instrument teaching.
We are currently able to offer lessons on the following instruments:
If your child is interested in studying an instrument that is not on this list, please get in touch with Mr Cooper and Mr Hayes. They will work to find a teacher who can visit the school to accommodate your child.
We are hoping to soon be able to offer DJing lessons through the BANES music hub.
Financial assistance is available for Pupil premium students wishing to access instrumental lessons.