Remote Learning

General Information

If the school needs to shut for any reason students will be following the same curriculum and timetable as they would in school.

Teachers will set work for all lessons on Google Classroom which students should complete during their normal lesson times.

Google Classroom can be accessed from any web browser (by logging into to gmail with their school email address and password) or from the Google Classroom app on their phone, laptop or iPad.

Students need to find their relevant class, then look for that lessons assignment (should be dated) and complete the work as directed.

Once they have completed the work they should upload evidence (this could be as simple as a photo) to show that they have completed the work and click the submit button.

Remote teaching will use a range of approaches as and when appropriate:

  • Resources for students to work through
  • Some videos made by teachers explaining tasks or modeling work
  • Some live lessons
  • Opportunities for students to ask teachers questions during the lesson
  • Quizzes and tests


Click here to view our remote learning policy.