Key Stage 4 Curriculum Intent

KS4 Curriculum Intent

The Key Stage 4 curriculum is intended to support each student to achieve their personal best in meaningful qualifications by the end of Year 11, whilst supporting their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development through an extensive tutorial, PSHRE, PE and extra-curricular offer.

Emphasis is placed on a strong academic core, with the English Baccalaureate suite of qualifications a significant part of our offer, which enable them to access academic A Level courses and competitive Russell Group Universities, post-18.

But we have also designed our curriculum offer so that students are able to keep a wide variety of other education and employment options open post-16. As such, our English Baccalaureate offer is complemented by a range of subjects that provides the students with access to the Arts and STEM GCSE options such as the three Separate Sciences, Design Technology and Computing. They can also access other vocational courses in Child Development, Creative Media, Digital Information Technology, Hospitality and Catering, Sport, Activity and Fitness.

All subjects provide access to personal development through social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, with opportunities embedded to ensure our students can enhance their cultural capital, with exposure to cultures and ethnicities that they may not experience in their daily lives, given where they live.

Year 10 Curriculum Intent

Year 10 is where your child begins that two(ish) year journey towards those final exams. They will already have started their GCSE journey in the Ebacc Subjects but now thay start all their GCSEs, following their own individual academic pathway.

Some subjects will now be left behind, meaning learning is focused and expectation is high, but every subject encourages a passion for developing new skills and building new knowledge and expects full engagement in every lesson. Emphasis is placed on a strong academic core, delivering content that provides appropriate challenge to meet aspirational targets while structuring learning to ensure rapid progress for every one of our students. Challenge is a key concept in Year 10 and students are encouraged, supported and expected to make progress right from the start. Knowledge and skills are gained and secured throughout through interleaved curriculum maps, do it now tasks, homework that consolidates and revisits learning and targeted assessment points.

This is also the year where your child will set themself up with the independent study skills, organisation and preparation needed for exam success as well as the resilience and motivation to overcome the increased demands of GCSE. Year 10 is a vital year. The challenge, workload and expectations are more but here is where the work is done to approach the final exams In Year 11 with confidence, ambition and even enjoyment.

Year 11 Curriculum Intent

Year 11 is where your child completes their journey towards those final exams and shows us what they can do. Learning is focused and expectation is high but the curriculum and its implementation in every subject encourages an ambition and motivation that will lead to certain success at GCSE.

Emphasis continues to be placed on a strong academic core, delivering content that provides appropriate challenge to meet aspirational targets while structuring learning at all levels to ensure high progress for every one of our students.

In Year 11 your child will finely tune the study and revision skills needed for academic success as well as strengthen the resilience and motivation to overcome the increased demands of the examination season whilst supporting their emotional and physical well-being.

The challenge, workload and expectations are high, but they will build on their hard work in Year 11 and rely on the backing of a well-practiced system of support and intervention. Here is where the hard work increases, then fully pays off. The outcome is a confident, capable and academically successful student who will continue their learning journey and take on personal challenges with passion and pride.

Curriculum Booklet

For an explaination of the Pathways and Options process, please view our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Booklets. 

Click here for our Key Stage 4 Curriculum booklet for Academic Years 2024/25.

Click here for our Key Stage 4 Curriculum booklet for Academic Years 2023/24.

Click here for our Key Stage 4 Virtual Options Event and to find out more about the subjects on offer to Years 10 and 11.


For further information about our Curriculum offer, contact Mark Bridges (Senior Assistant Headteacher) via our contact form.